In recent months the topic of gold mining in high risk regions has brought great controversy to the

precious metals market and the precious metals refining industry as a whole. Many refiners have chosen to get “certified” through a third party audit. Recent events have proved third party audits do not guarantee a refiner is not participating in wrongdoing.
Here at Pease & Curren, we rely on our strong in-house processes. Our employees are trained on the red flags of illegal mining and must verify every business we choose to accept materials from. We do not accept gold ore or mined materials whatsoever. Never. We feel this is the best way to combat illegal sourcing. We only accept reclaimed materials such as jewelry scrap or bench sweeps.
We are 100% American owned and operated for over 100 years. Our owner, Mr. Kip Curren is a third generation owner who oversees our day to day operations. Our staff in operations and in the refinery have been here for years. Our methods are tried and true.
We are proud of our stellar reputation in the precious metals refining business. If we are already your trusted refiner, we thank you for your business, if you are contemplating giving us a try, we hope our straightforward approach and years in business will give you comfort while you get to know us. We are looking forward to our business together and serving you in an open, honest, manner.
Pease & Curren – American owned & operated precious metals refinery for over 100 years.